16.– 17. November 2020

Der Workshop mit Dean Abbott wird auf Englisch gehalten. Workshop finden teilweise oder ganz auf englisch statt

Predictive Analytics for Practitioners mit Dean Abbott

Mittwoch, 18 November, 2020

09:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr
Estrel Hotel Berlin

Inkludiert sind zwei Kaffeepausen, Mittagessen und Softgetränke

Die Workshopplätze sind limitiert – sichern Sie sich ihren Platz rechtzeitig!

Intended Audience:

  • Practitioners: Analysts who would like a tangible introduction to predictive analytics or who would like to experience analytics using a state-of-the-art data mining software tool.
  • Technical Managers: Project leaders, and managers who are responsible for developing predictive analytics solutions, who want to understand the process.

Knowledge Level: Familiar with the basics of predictive modeling.

100% of october 2010 attendees rated the instructor "excellent"


Dean Abbott
Dean Abbott

Chief Data Scientist

Workshop Description:
Predictive Analytics for Practitioners

Predictive analytics has moved from a niche technology used in a few industries, to one of the most important technologies any data-driven business needs. Because of the demand, there has been rapid growth in university programs in machine learning and data science. These teach the science well, but do not describe the tradeoffs and the “art” of predictive analytics.

This workshop will cover the practical considerations for using predictive analytics in your organization through the six stages in the predictive modeling process:

  1. Business Understanding – how to define problems to solve using predictive analytics
  2. Data Understanding – how to describe the data
  3. Data Preparation – how and why to create derived variables and sample data
  4. Modeling – the most important supervised and unsupervised modeling techniques
  5. Evaluation – how to match modeling accuracy with business objectives to select the best model
  6. Deployment – how to use models in production

Practical tips are given throughout the workshop including:

  • Which transformations of data should be used for which algorithms?
  • Which algorithms match what kinds of problems?
  • How does one measure model accuracy in a way that makes sense for the business?
  • How does one avoid being fooled with predictive models, thinking they are behaving well when in reality they are brittle and doomed to fail?

Case studies that illustrate principles will be used throughout the workshop, drawn from Mr. Abbott’s more than 20 years of consulting experience in data mining and predictive analytics. The techniques are software independent, but Mr. Abbott will illustrate them using several commercial and open source software packages.

Every registered attendee will receive a copy of Mr. Abbott’s book “Applied Predictive Analytics”

This workshop will benefit anyone who has worked with data, whether in spreadsheets, statistics programs, or commercial predictive modeling software, and would like to learn the practical side of predictive analytics.

Attendees receive a course materials book and an official certificate of completion at the conclusion of the workshop.

Workshop Schedule:

  • 09:00
    • Software installation

  • 09:15
    • Workshop program starts

  • 10:30 – 11:00
    • Morning Coffee Break

  • 12:30 – 13:30
    • Lunch

  • 15:00 – 15:30
    • Afternoon Coffee Break

  • 17:00
    • End of the Workshop


Dean Abbott, President, Abbott Analytics, Inc.
Dean Abbott is President of Abbott Analytics in San Diego, California. Mr. Abbott has over 21 years of experience applying advanced data mining, data preparation, and data visualization methods in real-world data intensive problems, including fraud detection, risk modeling, text mining, response modeling, survey analysis, planned giving, and predictive toxicology. In addition, Mr. Abbott serves as chief technology officer and mentor for start-up companies focused on applying advanced analytics in their consulting practices.

Mr. Abbott is a seasoned instructor, having taught a wide range of data mining tutorials and seminars for a decade to audiences of up to 400, including PAW, KDD, AAAI, IEEE and several data mining software users conferences. He is the instructor of well-regarded data mining courses, explaining concepts in language readily understood by a wide range of audiences, including analytics novices, data analysts, statisticians, and business professionals. Mr. Abbott also has taught applied data mining courses for major software vendors, including SPSS-IBM Modeler (formerly Clementine), Unica PredictiveInsight (formerly Affinium Model), Enterprise Miner (SAS), Model 1 (Group1 Software), and hands-on courses using Statistica (Statsoft), Tibco Spotfire Miner (formerly Insightful Miner), and CART (Salford Systems).

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