16.– 17. November 2020

Der Workshop mit Jim Sterne wird auf Englisch gehalten. Workshop finden teilweise oder ganz auf englisch statt

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Marketing mit Jim Sterne

Mittwoch, 18 November, 2020

09:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr
Estrel Hotel Berlin

Inkludiert sind zwei Kaffeepausen, Mittagessen und Softgetränke

Die Workshopplätze sind limitiert – sichern Sie sich ihren Platz rechtzeitig!

From market research to direct mail metrics to web analytics to Big Data, the job of “marketing” has changed dramatically over time. We have arrived at a fundamental shift in marketing that is as impactful as the advent of the Internet: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

This workshop introduces marketing professionals of all ranks to the theory, the language and the practical application of these disruptive technologies.

This workshop will not teach you how to be a data scientist.

It will teach you enough about the language and implications to speak cogently with your colleagues, and determine where to apply this innovative technology first. You will also get a firm grasp on how these new tools will change your job and what you can do to remain relevant in tomorrow’s marketing department.


Jim Sterne
Jim Sterne


Key Takeaways

  • How Machine Learning Works for Marketing
  • What Machine Learning Cannot do for Marketing
  • How to Onboard AI and ML into Your Organization

This workshop is for marketing professionals who are comfortable consuming analytics outputs, but must now face a new, educational learning curve.

This workshop is for data scientists to help them understand the problem the marketing department is trying to solve and the available data sets.

This workshop is for marketing managers who must respond to the C-level insistence that the marketing department “get with the times” (management by in-flight magazine).

This workshop is for those who need to survive in these changing times even though they are not data scientists, algorithm magicians, or predictive analytics statisticians.

Each participant will receive a copy of Jim’s twelfth book:



Jim Sterne, Founder, Marketing Analytics Summit

Jim Sterne has been in data processing since 1979, an online marketing consultant since 1993, and an online marketing analytics consultant since 2000. Sterne focuses on proving the value of digital communication as a medium for creating and strengthening customer relationships. He is the founding president of the Digital Analytics Association and producer of the eMetrics Summits. Sterne was named one of the 50 most influential people in digital marketing by the United Kingdom’s premier interactive marketing magazine and one of the top 25 Hot Speakers by the National Speakers Association, to which he credits his degree in Shakespeare. He has consulted to some of the world’s largest companies; lectured at MIT, Stanford, USC, Harvard, and Oxford; and sat on a plane to Las Vegas grading the CRM strategy plans of a Nigerian mobile phone company for a course he taught in Singapore produced by a training company in Shanghai. Sterne is the author of 15 books on online marketing and analytics including his latest, “Artificial Intelligence for Marketing: Practical Applications” (Wiley, August, 2017)

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